
Young Leaders attend Consultation at Primmy


DYC Matthew Longden recently staged an event for Young Leaders at Primrose Hill.
The purpose of this afternoon was for Young Leaders to get to know others in the district and to discuss ways we can support them in their important volunteer roles.

Below are quotes from two of the Young Leaders who attended.

YL1: "I found the young leader weekend very interesting and it made me and the others get involved in what goes on at scouts. I feel now I'm more confident with making decisions for myself and the people around me."

YL2: "Regarding the young leader afternoon it was a great time where we could meet and socialise with new people as well as express our opinions on young leaders and what we would like to see improve.
"I would like to thank you for the afternoon which was a great experience.

Matthew: "We will work with our amazing YLs to put into place some of their suggestions of further events we can run for our YLs."


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