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Volunteer Vacancies

North Lincolnshire Scouts are always looking for new adult volunteers who may wish to take up leadership roles or become involved at our section meetings as an occasional helper.

North Lincolnshire Scouts are always looking for new adult volunteers who may wish to take up leadership roles or become involved at our section meetings as an occasional helper.

Whatever time you are able to provide would be greatly appreciated.

Please get in touch with a few brief details via our Contact Us page here.

Our Current Vacancies:

Group Lead Volunteers

Central to everything we do, Lead Volunteers are our inspirational facilitators, supporting our teams in making sure everything at Scouts is fun, safe and inclusive.

We’re looking for belly-laughers, double-checkers, logical-thinkers, forward-planners and calm-reassurers. Our Group Lead Volunteers don’t do big drama. They've the life experience and know how to share advice on solving a problem over a mug of tea and biscuits.

We’re talking about people who understand how to create a positive environment, support their team, keep across projects and find new talent. They’ll lead their team of volunteers by offering support and helping them every step of the way. Know nothing about tents? Don’t worry, we’ll help you learn everything you need to know! Can you lead by example and give others the space to shine? If the answer’s ‘Yes’, you sound like a Lead Volunteer to us!

Group Lead Volunteer: 16th Scunthorpe

For more information, you can download this roles' information pack HERE, which provides further guidance about Scouting, the structure of 16th Scunthorpe's group and your role as a Group Lead Volunteer...

Details about how to apply for this role are at the bottom of this page...

Group Lead Volunteer: Winterton

For more information, you can download this roles' information pack HERE, which provides further guidance about Scouting, the structure of Winterton's group and your role as a Group Lead Volunteer...

Details about how to apply for this role are at the bottom of this page...

Group Lead Volunteer: Belton & Epworth

For more information, you can download this roles' information pack HERE, which provides further guidance about Scouting, the structure of Belton & Epworth's group and your role as a Group Lead Volunteer...

Details about how to apply for this role are at the bottom of this page...

How to Apply:

To apply for one of the above Group Lead Volunteer roles, please download the application form below, complete and send to Angela Bradley at angela.bradley@northlincsscouts.org.uk. You can also contact Angela if you would like any further guidance or have any questions about these roles too.

Please note, the closing date for the above Group Lead Volunteer roles is Friday 28th February and interviews will be arranged to take place in March.

Application Form Download Links:

To download the application form, simply click 'Application Form' below. The files are available in both Word and PDF format for convenience...

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