
DYC's Message

As adult volunteers, we are here to prepare young people with skills for life. Whether that be developing a young person’s confidence or teaching them how to cook their first meal. We can all share something that will prepare a young person for the journey ahead.

Preparing young people for a journey

As adult volunteers, we are here to prepare young people with skills for life. Whether that be developing a young person’s confidence or teaching them how to cook their first meal. We can all share something that will prepare a young person for the journey ahead.

As Scouts, we work in partnership with young people to ensure that we facilitate the adventure that they want to experience. We want young people to have the adventure that they want so we need to work with them to make that happen. We consult young people regularly to ensure that we provide an engaging programme of events that they want to participate in. We make sure we talk to our young people regularly and apply their feedback so that we can improve things for them.

However, we don’t just want young people to have their say on events, we want them to lead them as well. Scouts enables young people to take on a leadership for activities and events. We ensure that young people develop the skills which enables them to become effective leaders and take a greater active role in their programme.

I am proud to be the District Youth Commissioner for North Lincolnshire. My role allows me to support our adult volunteers in ensuring young people are consulted and encouraged to take on leadership responsibilities. As well as this, I ensure that young people’s voices are represented at a District level so every decision we make benefits the young people we work with.

Matthew Longden

District Youth Commissioner

North Lincolnshire

The Scouts

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