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Wayne Bulpitt

@WayneBulpitt: former UK Chief Commissioner, The Scout Association

Following his visit to Primrose Hill:

It's always nice to be thanked, much appreciated. It was a great way to start my day too, I'm an early bird, so always appreciative when others are willing to start early to accommodate me too.


Tom Nelthorpe

@Nelthorpe: Journalist, Student, Occupier, Governor

Great St George's Day Service for @NthLincsScouts at Ashby Wesley Church.

10/10 for the dragon-slaying performance.


Angela Bradley

Former District Commissioner, North Lincolnshire Scouts

Our aim is to see children and young adults reach their full potential and develop skills such as teamwork, time management, lea dership, initiative, planning, communication, self-motivation, cultural awareness and commitment.


Matthew Longden

District Youth Commissioner, North Lincolnshire Scouts

I am excited to begin this new role in my Scouting journey as I am passionate young people are consulted on all matters affecting their Scouting lives.


Richard Kitchen

Chairman, North Lincolnshire Scouts

I see first-hand how the young people involved in scouting within our district grow in confidence and gain social and practical skills that will help them throughout their lives and help them make a real positive impact on communities within our district.


Josh Love

ESL, The Wellies ESU

Would just like to say how much of an amazing camp site Primrose Hill is and we thank those from the District for letting my Unit camp there. We are definitely hoping to return in the future.


Nic Dakin

MP for Scunthorpe

Thank you very much for inviting me to join you and the Scouts for PrimJam. I was extremely impressed by not only the fabulous location of Primrose Hill, but also the way in which the young people were so well focussed on a range of activities after a pretty chilly night under canvas.

Please pass on my thanks to the host of volunteers that make it possible for such great events to take place locally.

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