A farewell from Angela
The wait is finally over and the new DC for North Lincolnshire has been announced.
Congratulations to Alan Smith for being appointed to this role, and I wish him well as he takes Scouting in
North Lincolnshire into the future.
Looking back over the past 10 years, my Scouting journey has had some ups and downs. The downs,
are the ones that people are not usually aware of but it comes with the job description so they have
to be dealt with.
The ups, of course are far more pleasurable. I have had two roles that no one else can ever hold, the
last ever DC of Scunthorpe and the first ever DC of North Lincolnshire. These two roles brought with
them many challenges, closing a District down and opening a new District was no mean feat but with
the right team around me, we got everything done without too many hic cups.
There have been many highlights over the years, probably too many to mention but one has to have
been the look of amazement on the faces of the young people , and adults alike, when I announced
the visit of Steve Backshall to Prim Jam II. I know it made a huge impact on people as it is still spoken
about today.
Another memorable event was attending the Queen's Garden party at Buckingham Palace in May
2017. David and I had a lovely day, the weather was quite kind to us, and it was an honour to have
been representing Scouting at such a prestigious event.
I cannot end this message without some thanks. There are so many people who have helped and
supported me along the journey. Richard and Liz have been by my side all of the way and have made
my role so much easier for me. I couldn't have done it without them. Thanks also to Judith, John and
Emma for the roles they have held and also more recently to Matthew when he became our Youth
Commissioner. Thanks also go to everyone who has served on the Executive Committee over the
last 8 years.
My thanks also go to every leader in the District who give so much of their time to ensure that every
young person in North Lincolnshire has the opportunity to benefit from the life changing chances
that Scouting offers.
My final thanks have to go to my family who have supported me while holding this role. My children,
Matthew and Jess have grown up with scouting being the main conversation around the dinner table
and to David who has been by my side throughout my Scouting journey. It was David who
encouraged me to apply for the role of DC and has supported me all of the way. We come as a team,
so my Scouting journey will not be ending, I just need to decide which door to open in order to
continue. Watch this space.
Yours in Scouting
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