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Chief Scout's Diamond Award
The Chief Scout's Diamond Award is the highest of the Chief Scout's Awards, and the final step before the King's Scout Award. The award runs alongside the DofE Silver scheme.
Please Note:
There will be updates to the Chief Scout Diamond Award in Spring 2025 to bring the requirements in line with recent changes that have been made to the King Scout Award. In the meantime you should continue working towards this award as normal.
How to earn your badge:
- Be a member of Explorer Scouts or the Scout Network or both for at least 12 months- This can include any time counted for the Chief Scout's Platinum Award
- Complete 12 nights away as an Explorer Scout or member of the Scout Network, of which eight must be camping- This may include the nights counted for the Chief Scout's Platinum Award. Nights away must be different from any other nights away used in the other sections of this award
- Complete four activities from the International, Communities and Values list- Complete four activities from the International, Community and Values (ICV) list. This should include at least one from each area of the list, and can include activities you completed for the International, Community and Values list for your Chief Scout's Platinum Award'.
Choose 1 of the following options:
- Hold the Silver Duke of Edinburgh's Award
- Complete the four Diamond Challenges:
- Take up a skill for three or six months*, and show progress and lasting interest. The skill can be an existing interest or something entirely new.
- Take up a physical activity for three or six months*, completing an agreed programme of taking part and achievement.
- Provide service to an individual or the community for six months*.
- Briefing and training should be given in order to gain the necessary skills. This many include helping with another section as a Young Leader or regularly helping at in the community at places such as a soup kitchen or animal shelter.
- Complete a three day and two night expedition in rural or open country by foot, cycle, horse, canoe, boat or dinghy.
- The expedition should involve careful preparation, training, responsibility and review.
* You also have to spend an extra three months on one of the Skill, Physical or Service Challenges. It’s your choice which one and, though you can change your mind later, you should decide which section you want to do for longer at the beginning. Knowing how long you’re going to do it for will help you to choose your activity and set your goals for each section.
More Badge Information:
More details on the Chief Scout's Diamond Award can be found on the Scout UK website, by clicking the link below.
District Chief Scout's Diamond Sign Up
A form to sign up to the Chief Scout's Diamond Award within our district will appear soon, watch this space!
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