Welcome to our newly updated District Website, have an explore!
Youshape - Giving Young People a Voice
To meet our Vision, young people across all of our sections will have the opportunity to have their voice heard. Their input will be welcome in all aspects of Scouting, within the group, the activities of the section and group and more widely, the development of the group.
We encourage our young people to share ideas, learn from and teach each other and take an active part in decision making. After all, there's no point in us delivering Scouting if it's not enjoyed by the young people that turn up each week. Whatever the age of the young people, we have methods to involve them, whether it's a vote between two games at a Beaver Scout meeting or a detailed plan for the termly Explorer Scout Programme.
Why is this important...
We believe that young people should be the people involved in the decision making, making sure that we deliver Scouting that is both current and relevant to our young people. We want our sections to be interesting, so we ask our young people what interests them!
District Youth Lead...
Our District Youth Lead, Theo Price, ensures that all young people in our District have a voice and champion Youth Shaped Scouting in our area. Along with this, Theo will be supporting Young Leaders, ensuring they have adequate support and are making progress with training. To contact Theo, please click HERE
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