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Cluster Training Day

Saturday, 7th October 2017

Modules 16, 18 & SAFE

Please book via the County website by clicking here.

Modules Covered

16 Introduction to Residential Experiences

To enable section leaders and supporters who may support residential experiences for young people to understand the
purpose that residential experiences play in Scouting.

18 Practical Skills

To enable adults to gain and develop practical skills for the benefit of young people in their section.

SAFE - Safeguarding Training

The issues facing adult volunteers in keeping young people safe are changing all the time and it is essential that we provide up-to-date training.

It is a requirement for all adults in Scouting to have undertaken 'approved safeguarding training' every five years and this is monitored at the point of appointment review.

Training Booking Form

Cluster Training Day

Modules Attending

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