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Cubs will be able to demonstrate their cooking skills
Tasty food

Cubs Backwoods Cooking Day

Saturday, 20th October 2018

A chance for Cubs across the County to come together and earn their Backwoods Cooking Activity Badge.

Cubs will move around bases in teams of 6-8, completing all the requirements for the Backwoods Cooking Activity Badge. They will also complete elements of the Skills Challenge Badge .

All teams will need a Leader to go around with them and additional Leaders will be asked to assist with bases on the day.

Everyone will need to bring a packed lunch, drinks and clothing appropriate for the weather on the day. 


£30 per team will cover all costs, including the Backwoods Cooking Activity badge which will be provided on the day. This will be non-refundable if your teams do not take part on the day. 


Packs should send in a booking form and payment to secure their Team's places by 22nd September 2018.


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